
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Usefull health tips

1.Grind ginger,the paste should be thick.Apply the paste on the forehead aftersometime the headache will vanish.
2.Apply lemon juice on the face the pimples will vanish.
3.Soak the coriander in water for 4hours filter the water,give the water to the child his stomach will be o.k.
4.ajvain(aka bishops weed) slighly heat it and powder it and take one teaspoon of it,your gastric problem will be cleared.
5.If you have anemia daily take guava your anemia will become allright.
6.To reduce body fat ,anemia which is caused by germs Drumstick is a good remedy.If asthma and sugar patients continuosly take drumstick their health will defenitely improve in course of time.
7.People who take cabbage daily will not have heartpain.Boil the cabbage in water and filter it take the water the ulcer will be cured.
8.Take a bedspread and do vajrasan  of yoga upto 20 counts it will cure the stomach ache.
9. Daily take big onion it will reduce the blood pressure and saves the damage done to liver.
10.Cabbage kills the germs in the body and helps in digestion.

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