
Saturday, December 3, 2016

How to get rid of negative thoughts ?

Well we all have many problems in our life, as they say life is a bed of thorns not a bed of roses,

So how do we get out of the difficult situations ? well... many a times we just want to stretch our hands at the fullest and come out of our heads..but we are unable to do it.

So what is the solution ?

People would say go to mediation classes, go to temples, pray God continously, some would say get a medical treatment, some would say if you have to get out of your depression go to a psychatrist,
offcourse if only we had the time and resources for it, plus 24/7 care, even if someone had this I would still recommend my below solution to them.

That is listen continuously to God Songs,

Any song of your liking for example I prefer to listen to Ayyapa songs, then shift to Mata Vaishno devi, Shiva songs, Ganesha songs, songs praising Jesus, any song praising the Lord,

But what would it do to our psyche ?, Well the thing is that when you start listening to God's songs you are automatically shifted on to the positive side/aspect of life and get in tuned to Nature's frequency or God's frequency what would happen is that the wrong things/practises... we do in our daily life or done by other to us.., will slowly slowly get corrected and our course of life will gradually get corrected and shift to right direction one by one, one step at a time.. and our and others heart will listen in to God's call and beat in to the right tune, our actions will get corrected and our destiny will change and thereby we can lead a Happy and Peaceful life.

But mind you this is not an overnight dose, but things will definetely improve and once we submit ourselves to God permanently, by the way submitting doesnt means we have to give something or anything like that the only thing is that the thoughts we hold so strongly have to be released so that the noose around gets loosened up., By listening to God's songs the noose around will definetely get loosened up because we are indrectly loosing up the strong thoughts that we hold on to...hence our life will again come back to normal and simple.

What are the challenges in this or are there any challenges ?, :

Well the challenge is that if you keep listening to some bhakti/God songs for say an hour..generally our mind will get over " oh! enough of the noise its over now..lets switch off the loud box "..

Generally what i do this i wind up for a while go around for errands and then start again...
mind you when i start all over again it is not an impedement that says you have to do it...,
There are no hard and fast rules for this.., we can just keep listening to God's songs whenever we want.. this in way will automatically get us tuned in to listen to more of God's songs and we will be
gradually moved in to Positive and right direction.

Well i would say when my childrens grow up..i would definetely put God's songs in my house daily...for more hours as possible..., this would help them grow in a good mannerisms, god fearing individuals, This will help them in not committing the mistakes which otherwise they would have done and also this would help them in identifying and correcting the character flaws they had in them by birth.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it is easy to get lost in depressing thoughts and allow our anxiety to limit our life. I have had success with walking barefoot on sand, or on the ground as a way to re-connect with nature and my mind/body connection.
    Holistica Barefoot
