
Friday, December 30, 2011

Medicinal benefits of Tender Coconut Water

[Photo credit : This photo is credited to Samurai -]

Amongst all the juices coconut water is the most cleanest and nutritious drink. In India the variety Cochin China is the most sweetest coconut water.

Tender Coconut water we drink has Sugar, Fat, Magnesium, Calcium, Chlorine, Sulfur, Phosphorous and Vitamin C and B complex in it.

In summer season if we take 2 coconut water daily, urine will be passed freely and heat in the body will also be reduced. Coconut water has capacity to control the diseases caused by heat. It always keeps the body cool.

Ladies who go to beauty parlor can clean their  face with hot water mixed with small quantity of Coconut water. Blackspots on the face vanish and the face begins to glow.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ayurvedic Treatment for Keloids

Again, after several visits to different clinics, I did not find anything that would help reduce my son’s keloid. I felt the medicines in ayurveda are too mild to work on a keloid. Again, this is just my opinion. They are again slow and as per my search on the net, there is no proven record. 

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Homeopathy Treatment for Keloid

In the meantime, while was meeting different allopathic doctors, I also kept all other options open. I met a homeopathy doctor. He prescribed a combination of two medications Acid Flour and Silicea. He said that it would help in reducing the itching feeling first and then and may reduce the size of the Keloid. My son tried these medications for a few months but there was no change. I guess Homeopathy medications take time. The doctor also said that one would have to take the medication for 6 months to see if it is working in first place. There are also other restrictions like you cannot take other medications without consulting the homeopathy doctor. In all, I felt this was a slow process for my son and as there was no change in his Keloid for the time he took those medications, I decided not to go ahead with the treatment.

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Allopathic treatment for Keloid

I have been to six doctors - some of them are famous dermatologists. The only place I got misguided was the first doctor when I didn’t know that it was a keloid. Because, the size of the scar was growing, I thought it would be something cancerous. The doctor told me there is nothing to worry but he also told me not to take any treatments and it would fade with time. I believed him and waited for sometime – almost an year and realized that I should been to some other good doctor and started with the treatments immediately. The below listed as the few treatments that are workable.

I went to few others doctors and they suggested immediate plastic surgery. But believe me, after having done a lot of research and interacting with people who have got this surgery done, I will only suggest that never take a knife near your keloid. It will only come back bigger and uglier in less than 3 months. There are some places or some exceptions where in if the surgery is followed by laser and radiation treatment, the chances of reoccurrence are low. But from my understanding, it may help very few people and only those for whom the skin is supportive. 

Steroid Injections
Allopathic doctors also suggested steroid injections and silicon sheet. But what about the other treatments like Laser, Cyrotheraphy that we find on the web. Most doctors believe that they may not work. In Allopathic medicine, one of the safest treatments in the steroid injection. Doctors have told me that for a keliod of the size of my son, it would take atleast 6 injections, once every month to see significant change. I have been wondering if this will cause any side effect. I have read on the internet that sometimes the injections causes hyper pigmentation – which means if the keloid is blood red color, it may become dark after injections. In the US, every injection is followed by laser treatment to avoid this discoloration. 

My son's treatment
My major concern was, will the injections work for my son? I have looked on the net and there are cases reported when there is no response to injections and also for some people the keloid grows bigger in size. The doctors have prescribed 6 injections each with a gap of one month. The response completely depends on the skin type. For some people, there is significant difference just after the first injection itself and after a few more the keloid almost become flat. For some people though they become flat, but immediately reoccur and for some the keloids become flat and do not reappear for a long time. I am not sure in which category my son will fall. Remember chest keloids are the hardest of the keloids to treat. All I want it, the injections shouldn’t do more harm. I am going to be updating this space after every treatment. 

To update on my son’s progress, he has taken two shots of injections and the doctor feels that the skin underneath the keloid is becoming soft. The good news is, it has not affected the keloid in any other way, meaning making it big or uglier. And I did not notice any hyper pigmentation so far. There we actually 4 keloids on his chest, 2 small and 2 big. The smaller ones are almost thinning out and fading. The bigger ones look a bit smaller, but the doctor feels that there is still more time and eventually after few more injections we will see a flatter keloid. The doctor has also prescribed two creams that he should apply at night. He initially suggested the use of silicon sheets but that my son is already taking injections, he said the creams would be enough. I am just praying for the best to happen.

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Treatment for Keloids

My 27 year old son has two keloids on his chest. It was like a pimple three years ago and I initially thought it is one of those big pimples which will fade with time. I only realized when the size was growing and now it is 1inch by 1inch.
We have been to several doctors and have done extensive research on this topic and only to realize that there is no permanent cure. The keloid can fade with treatment or time but the mark would still remain. The size can definitely be reduced (if the treatment works for you).

I am going to be sharing some tips and my experience with Allopathic, Homeopathy, Siddha and Ayurveda. I did extensive research and met several doctors and I felt Steroid injections are the best. They are safe and gradualy help reduce your Keloid. This is out of my own experience. I would like to take you through my research and journey of my son's Keloid treatment. To read more, please click on the below link.